Weeklybeats 2024 was a 52 week long music project in which artists composed and publicly released 1 song a week for the entire year. Enjoy this archive of over 7,500 music compositions by over 300 artists.
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WeeklyBeats.com / Music / Mortistar's music / [Breakbeat] Don't Push Me

[Breakbeat] Don't Push Me

By Mortistar on October 28, 2018 1:13 pm

Week 43! The end is nigh! (almost) Anyways, I got some mad inspiration from the release of Lethal League: Blaze, especially from the rad breakbeat songs on the OST, so I decided to give the genre a go. I sampled Grandmaster Flash - The Message, in case any of you were wondering. wink It's my first attempt at this genre, so please, any feedback would be v appreciated! Thanks for listening, and I'll see you next week!


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CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC)

Frenetic! Digging that huge sawtooth bass and delayed lead line!

I don't know if it's true to the genre, but I know I like this.

Instant favorite! Makes me want to play some Jet Set Radio, I'll definitely have to check out LLB (haven't had a chance yet).

heck yeah this is great!

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